What can Rocky Corner cohousing bring to the small town of Bethany? We can bring new people to Bethany who are interested in how they are living together and how they are living on the land. We can bring people to town who are hard working and creatively thinking.
We can get involved in the local government and committees like the Sustainability Committee, the Bethany Land Trust (http://www.bethanylandtrust.org/), the Conservation Commission . Membership in some committees are elected positions; others are volunteer.
There were people in the town who were afraid of our project and probably still are. Let’s show them that our friendliness and our vision is good for Bethany and that we can help make it a stronger town.
Read more about Strong Towns and cohousing here – https://www.strongtowns.org/journal/2018/4/18/cohousing-offers-a-different-way-to-live?gclid=CjwKCAjwtIXbBRBhEiwAWV-5nqD-iWaX9gGgS6kT5Ado1YZkSg_oKJkomAvQF1dVI3oe6qpYp4RklhoC85EQAvD_BwE