Here are websites that will help you understand cohousing, Rocky Corner and the people who plan on living there.
General information:
- The Cohousing Association of the United States website
- A cohousing glossary from the Cohousing Assocation
- A directory of cohousing communities around the U.S. (Rocky Corner is the first in Connecticut)
- Listen to a series of videos that provide a great overview of sociocracy
- Find out more from Sociocracy for All, the organization that provides us with educational tools and information
More specific information about Rocky Corner:
A radio interview: WPKN’s Home Page Radio Show
A Pecha Kucha talk from 2014
Our architects: Centerbrook
Our permaculture specialist: Appleseed
Our construction manager:PAC Group
Information about us; what we are interested in:
CT Northeast Organic Farmers Association
Cafe Nine – jam sessions every Saturday evening